Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Shakespeare, Historiography, and the Business of Life

Good evening, y'all.

I know I should be posting these more often, but school work has been getting in the way of that. I am currently "done" with one paper due Thursday morning and researching and beginning to outline and write another paper, due at the exact same time. Oi.

Oh, I can definitely blame myself, for at least some of it. Yes, I did my share of procrastination. Go figure. I'm still trying to learn how to discipline myself and my studies. It ain't easy. But on the other end of the scale is the amount of work and pressure involved in writing one of these papers. I'm reading and trying to compile as much information on these subjects as I possibly can before I am forced to create some sort of conclusion from my mass of facts and condense it into a 2,000 word essay. And the whole English grading system, at least the one used here, is quite different from America. They read and edit your paper--if you're lucky--but they don't attach any type of letter grade onto it. No percentage either. Very odd.

So I'm writing and writing and forcing myself to write some more, and trying to figure out when to sleep.

On a different note, I'll be going to Edinburgh on Friday! More news to come.

Alright. Time to eat. I am starving. And if I don't eat something now I don't know what good will come of me.

Be seeing you,


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